Damage Types

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There are 12 damage types in Kaiju Combat - each with a unique symbol.  These are further broken down into 3 physical damage types (Edged, Impact, Explosive) and 9 energy types (Heat, Cold, Electrical, Nuclear, Sonic, Toxic, Mystic, Cosmic, Beam).  Each energy type has a unique color used for its icon.  The three physical types, on the other hand, all use Blue & Red color schemes, which match their hit effect visuals within the game.

Energy Type: Heat

Heat damage is inflicted when a monster is struck by flames or super-heated liquids, such as lava or plasma.  Heat damages an object by exciting the molecules to the point where they begin to dissipate as liquid or gas, or sear those objects such that they experience a chemical change.  To defend against Heat, a kaiju must have high surface area features (to dissipate the heat quickly), layers of insulation (to slow down thermal penetration), or be built of a material which does not react chemically at high temperatures.  Kaiju are especially vulnerable to Heat if they rely upon surface moisture, have chemically reactive exteriors, or have no insulation between their vital organs and the outside.

Energy Type: Cold

Cold damage is inflicted when a monster is struck by super-cooled gas or liquids.  Cold damages an object by slowing molecule movement to the point where the superstructure collapses, or enough to slow chemical processes which provide flexibility and ventilation.  To defend against Cold, a kaiju must layers of insulation (to slow down thermal penetration), or be built of a material which does not react chemically at low temperatures.  An absence of moving parts is almost always a significant help as well.  Kaiju are especially vulnerable to Cold if they rely upon elastic or porous external features, or if they have no insulation between their vital organs and the outside.

Energy Type: Electric

Electric damage is inflicted when a monster is forced to conduct a stream of electrons.  Electric damage delivers concentrated energy through a monster - not simply along the surface.  Resisting electrical damage is primarily a matter of conductivity.  Kaiju made of metal or muscle have nothing to impede the electric flow, and thus take significant damage from electrical attacks.  On the other hand, monsters with significant fatty tissue or non-conductive surfaces can effectively resist most of the current.  Some Kaiju can effectively absorb electrical energy as part of their accelerated metabolisms, which is an effective method of turning damage into a kinetic response.

Energy Type: Nuclear

Nuclear damage is inflicted when a monster is exposed to high-energy particles which emit sufficient radiation to break atomic bonds.  Nuclear damage is very difficult to resist by physical means.  Some Kaiju are themselves the result of unchecked nuclear absorption, which provides them with a natural (or unnatural) resistance to radiation.  Some robotic Kaiju are nearly immune to low-level radiation environments, since they have no organic elements.  But high levels of radioactive energy are still quite effective against them!  Organic Kaiju with quick metabolisms are especially susceptible to radioactive damage. 

Energy Type: Sonic

Sonic damage is inflicted when high-speed vibrations are focused onto a monster.  Like electrical damage, sonic damage penetrates solid objects quite readily, making conventional armors useless.  Soft tissue and uniform density are the best attributes for resisting sonic attacks.  Hardness magnifies the sonic waves, making sonic attack especially effective against Kaiju with high physical defenses.

Energy Type: Toxic
Toxic damage is inflicted when a monster is exposed to acids or corrosive elements.  Toxic damage impairs the normal function of the affected objects- be they organic or synthetic.  Toxic damage often continues to burn long after the initial exposure, as the corrosive elements work their way in.  The best way to withstand a toxic weapon is to have a smooth, dense exterior surface.  Kaiju who absorb elements from their environment, especially aquatic Kaiju, tend to be especially vulnerable to Toxic damage.

Energy Type: Beam
Beam damage is characterized by its delivery method - it focuses itself on a tiny point to deliver damage with pinpoint precision.  Beam type weapons may be powered by many other types of damage : Heat, Nuclear, Cosmic, etc.  But whenever the focus becomes tight enough, those other energies become Beam type.  To defend against Beams, a monster must have all- covering armor.  Even the smallest gap allows beams to penetrate for full damage.  Another effective defensive measure is to use highly reflective armor, which can disperse the Beam.  Beam type damage is otherwise one of the most reliable damage types.

Energy Type: Mystic
Mystic damage is inflicted when a monster is targeted by magical or supernatural powers.  Mystic damage is unaffected by conventional armors - only mystic defenses are effective.  Some Kaiju are formed or powered by mystic energies, and in many cases this magical nature acts as a strong resistance to mystic damage.  Conversely, some Kaiju have attuned themselves in order to better wield magic attacks - in most cases this makes Kaiju more susceptible to mystic damage.  Mystic energies are often used to generate effects other than raw damage, and mystic resistances help against these as well.

Energy Type: Cosmic
Cosmic damage is inflicted by alien energy weapons, or other products of super-science not yet understood by humans.  It usually disintegrates matter on impact - burrowing through even the thickest carapace or heaviest armor plate.  Only energy shield have been shown to effectively disrupt damage from these weapons.  Even then only sufficiently advanced energy shields will do the trick!

Physical Type: Edged
Edged damage is inflicted by cutting, slashing, or piercing physical attacks.  Often the most common form of damage, due to the frequency of Kaiju with spines, spikes, claws, teeth, and other, more exotic forms of edged attributes.  Withstanding edged damage is all about hardness.  The harder the surface, the less it will chip, crack, or split when struck by edged damage.  Monsters with exposed flesh or organic attributes are especially vulnerable to edged damage.

Physical Type: Impact
Impact damage is inflicted by crushing or clubbing, or by certain physical projectile attacks.  Impact damage breaks or crushes the area it connects with.  The most effective way to reduce the damage sustained by Impacts is to use padded armor around the location of impact.  Exoskeletons are sometimes designed in this way.  The worst protection against Impacts is hard armor, as even the hardest surfaces are no match for a Kaiju's strength.  Impact damage is also the type of damage inflicted from many hard projectiles, or from wind-type attacks.  Being resistant to Impacts often means that a Kaiju is less prone to knock back effects in general.

Physical Type: Explosive
Explosive damage is inflicted by incendiary or burst weapons, which deal damage throughout an area rather than in a single location.  In addition to conventional explosive devices, any sort of shattering or fragmenting weapon can be considered to be of explosive type.  Mitigating explosive damage is largely a matter of shape: convex surfaces and smooth plates tend to effectively distribute the damage over a wide area, which reduces the force.  Conversely, monsters with soft exteriors or very high surface area to volume ratios will tend to take greater than average damage from Explosive attacks.

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