After scrounging, Duncan stands up, showing us the treasure he's found! (This is either a boxing glove, boomerang, or bomb) This is very Phoenix Wright in MVC3
Duncan ducks down low, rubbing his hands around while keeping his eyes up. Looping. (start him already in duck)
- _Chain_Basic : Jab_Right
- _Chain_Basic_2 : Jab_Left
Classic boxing jabs like a kangaroo. Swift and solid.
- _Fierce_Basic : Shove Kick
One big foot comes up, and kicks. This is more about creating distance than damage.
- _Chain_Away : Sucker Punch
Weave head around and away a bit - looking for an opening. Then hop forward with a big right hook, and hold the point of impact (don't follow through all the way.)
Classic uppercut. Duck down really low to start, then pop up.
- _Chain_Toward : Punch Flurry
A flurry of jabs as Duncan shuffles forward a bit.
- _Chain_Up : Twohanded Hit
Weave around just like the start of Sucker Punch - but then come in with the opposite hand in a big overhead strike. This is very Balrog - Duncan isn't jumping at all here.
- _Quick_Basic: Forearm Bat
Swatting with both forearms (which are up in a boxing "cover me" position) - as if someone threw a vase at you. Dodge the head to one side, and a quick swing with the forearms together. Quick recovery.
Hop up, and hover in the air a moment (moving back slightly over the coures of the anim) with all four limbs stretched out like Jumpin' Jack Flash.
Quick step-through to Stomp an opponent's foot. (Right foot stomping, since opponent's left will be forward usually.)
Quite a large forward lunge, striking with the head. Long follow-through.
Big hook to the air - good for interrupting jump-in attacks.
- _Fierce_Away : Kangaroo Stomp
Hop up (keep the head at nearly the same height - just lift the legs and tuck the body as if dodging low attacks) then slam down both feet slightly forward for a HUGE stomp attack. Swing arms out to side to emphasize the weight of the landing.
- _Fierce_Down : Kangaroo Kick
Duncan's signature attack - hurl himself forward with both feet forward for a huge kick attack. Keep his movement horizontal as much as possible, rather than arcing down.
- _Fierce_Toward : Head Dive
Launch off those big feet into a head dive. Similar to Gigashark's Eat the Sky - but with a low arc. Don't flip over - come back to standing by leaning back after the feet hit the ground in the dive position.
Duck, then hop up (and slightl forward) with one big uppercut delivered by one foot.
- _Power_Away : Heavy Throw
Pull arm back, and hold it for a long time before throwing forward like a shot-put.
Drop your held object.
Throw your held object forward.
Throw your object straight up - like a "set" in volleyball - and slide backwards (so you're not there when it comes down!)