Mouth-open, arms at side. He's quite relaxed - letting the fire out is more of a "relax and let it out" rather than a "force it out" like Komododon / Godzilla. Should appear effortless.
Mouth open a crack - so we can see a glint of fire building up inside. Head tilted back, shoulders raised up - to contrast with the relaxed fire pose.
Lunch forward with a quick punch - give it a tiny bit of a hook. This is slower than other jabs. Combos with itself (there is no jab_left)
Guilte-style knee slide forward. Fast, medium range. Medium recovery.
Classic uppercut with big step-through
- _Chain_Away : Backhand Spin
Tuck the right arm close to the body, spin like a top while advancing, and let the hand whip out as you come around. Lots of forward motion.
- _Chain_Down : One-Two Combo
Step-through overhead swing with left arm, the step forward with a straight punch with the right.
- _Chain_Toward : Rock Combo
Four alternating punches - left/right/left/right. Last one has a ton of recovery on it - each attack moves forward almost a full body-width. A punishing series of blows.
- _Chain_Up : Twohanded Hit
Hop up a bit - tuck the legs under the body - then extend body forward and down - hitting with the fists in an overhead arc. Like Zangief's jumping Fierce.
Leg snaps forward, Magnarock leans back a bit (but not at the cost of range.) Long recovery.
Magnarock drops to a crouch as one hand slams the ground for a mini-quake.
- _Quick_Toward : Shoulder Check
Tiny rush forward with shoulders to interrupt and stun opponent.
- _Quick_Up : Head Launcher
Anti-air move. Hop up to hit an overhead opponent with his flaming head. Arms to the side missile-like. Quick startup.
- _Fierce_Away : Spinning Retreat
Classic Zangief-style spin with arms out. Retreats slowly as it spins around twice.
Duck quickly, hold the low pose for a moment, then jump and raise hands in a double uppercut with good reach.
- _Fierce_Toward : Spinning Overhead
Jump forward - very little air, but feet up high to avoid sweeps and kicks. Just before landing, flip all the way around in the air and slam fists down. Should have a very long front-end, to give opponents a chance to react.
Jump and spin like a ball in the air - hits on the way up and on the way down.
Take a step back, lean back, and open mouth for ~ 3/4 of a second. This is a short-range attack meant to blast flying opponents.
Shoot fire at your own feet - it will extend into a wall.
- _Power_Toward : Quickfire
Lean forward and give a brief firing pose. For a fireball-like projectile.
Put your hands into your own flaming head, then bring them down. This will ignite Magnarock's hands for additional damage.