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Classic Mouth-open pose, standing unnaturally straight up. Arms forward, as if she might be firing rocket punches at the same time. Exactly the same as her fire. We probably don't need a separat anim for this. - _Chain_Basic : Jab_Right - minimal torso twisting.
- _Chain_Basic_2 : Jab_Left - minimal torso twisting.
- _Chain_Basic_3 : Double Jab
Both fists jab simultaneously. Very piston-y motion and snap to this. She's a robot! - _Quick_Basic: Snout Bump
Rear jets turn on for a moment, pushing Robo forward, bonking the opponent's head with her snout.
- _Fierce_Basic : Tail Spin
Full 360 spin. She uses jets for vertical motion, so her feet should hang limply. Lean back for half a second and spread arms apart and back - then boost forward suddently and swing both arms together to clobber an opponent's head. Classic uppercut with big step-through - _Chain_Toward : Torso Spin
Spin torso around twice while moving forward. If the torso can spin independently from the legs, do that. Boost up, with a punt-style kick. Overall movement is a 45 degree angle. - _Quick_Away : Duck Back-knuckle
Flatten low to allow attacks to pass over your head, then pop up with a back-knuckle attack. Quick step-through to Stomp an opponent's foot. (Right foot stomping, since opponent's left will be forward usually.) Put one foot forward, (still on the ground) and jet forward. Your sharp toes are going to impale your opponent's foot. - _Quick_Up : Anti-Air Bite
Snap at the air. - _Fierce_Away : Fireball palms
Turn and lean away, then shove both palms forward like a classic fireball. This is a big shove. - _Fierce_Down : Uppercut Kick
Drop down, and swing both feet upwards like an uppercut. This is a very acrobatic Captain America-style move. - _Fierce_Toward : Roundhouse
Like Kiryu's awesome forward-jumping Roundhouse Kick from Ste and G:U - _Fierce_Up : Twohanded Crush
A full leap into the air, and come down into a duck position with both hands striking the ground out in front.Qu - _Power_Away : Belly blast
Thrust your belly forward, and crush opponents with your belly cannon. Crouch and lean forward, so that her jets will blast opponents away. Then spin around - blasting opponents back. - _Power_Toward : Shoulder Jet Charge
Lean forward and hold for a moment (as jets power up) then blast forward super fast to smash opponent with your shoulder. - _Power_Up : Anti-Air Weapon
Blast your primary weapon up into the air with a quick blast. - _Power_Quickfire: Rocket Fists
Alternate pushing each hand forward - launching rockets from your closed fists.
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