Home / Random Capture

Random Capture

Good ideas that haven't found their way into the documentation elsewhere yet.

  • Have monster bios available in-game.
  • "Stock Match" - where you pick a few monsters, and fight until all are defeated.
  • Look into texture options for characters when you select them.
  • Training Mode?
  • Player "titles" for online battles?

    sweettooth564 (Guest)  04 Nov 2012 
    It would be awesome to have a contest where people send in there own monster texture packs and see if some can make it into the game. I do have some great ideas.
    Guest  06 Nov 2012 
    @Guy above - Nice idea, but unfortunately this has already been discussed with Simon Strange, and he said that it would cost far too much to do so. I agree all the way with your idea, but we may be able to have skins once more funding has arrived.
    Guest  07 Nov 2012 
    I believe he said alternate skins (editing the model of the monsters) would cost too much, but alternate textures (editing only the colors of monsters) would be very easy to implement. I'd be up for a contest where people submit their own color designs that may potentially be added, so long as the original kaiju creators get to judge the choices. (=
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