Relevant discussion threads:

Essential HUD Elements:
  • Character portrait
  • Character name
  • Numerical Health display
  • Energy bar, segmented into 6 segments.
  • Defense cells, including "non-regenerating" cells.
  • Ammo counter
  • Rage Meter
  • Win counter
  • Points display
  • Player identification (P1, P2, etc.)

Rage Meter

This is the red swoosh on the left.  Characters have a rage value from 0 to 99.  This bar fills from the bottom.  Various effects will increase or decrease it during combat.  (Taking damage, powerups, etc.)  Once full, the gradient switches to a solid red bar.  Characters may then activate their Rage Attack, which empties the bar completely all at once.

Character portrait, Character Name, Player identification

The character name is centered above the HUD, using the "commando" font.  Player indicator is centered vertically and left-aligned, as in the concept art.  Character portrait is aligned as in the concept art.

Win counter

These three starts appear to track your victories in "best-of" matches.

Ammo counter

If the character uses ammo, the ammo symbol is present, with the number (which only goes up to 9) indicating the quantity of ammo available.  Characters need to have a bool indicating whether or not they support ammo, and two int values for their initial and maximum ammo.  Characters who do not support ammo do not display these elements at all.

Health display

This begins at the character's initial health (which is also the character's max health), and goes down as the character takes damage.  In Kaiju Combat health can go down to negative 200.  The color of the numbers changes as health decreases - fully white until 100HP, then from white to orange between 100 and 0, then from orange to red between 0 and -100, and fully red at values below -100.

Damage display

When a character takes damage, a small "-25" (or whatever the damage value was) appears to the right of the "HP", and floats upwards 1 character-height over 2 seconds before disappearing.  If the character takes damage again within the 2 seconds, the damage is summed, and the animation begins again.  (That is, if hit for 10 damage twice, we wouldn't have two "10" numbers floating - we would have a single 10, and then it would be replaced by a single 20.)  The damage is deducted from the health display immediately.

Energy bar

All characters have 600 energy points.  This bar fills from left to right with the yellow color indicated.  Various abilities will decrease this energy.  Characters have natural energy regeneration, which is set as energy / sec regeneration.  This regeneration can be increased or decreased in some circumstances.  When energy increases past each cell division (that is, a character has another full cell available) the energy bar flashes briefly to indicate to players that the current cells are ready to be used.  Note that the image above does NOT have solid black lines between energy cells - our final HUD should.

Points display

In point-based matches, we show a point total instead of the number display.  Characters gaining points see a "+50" (or whatever value) floating points exactly like the negative point feedback.  Characters still have health in point modes, but we don't dispaly it.

Defense Cells

Characters have an initial number of defense points, and a maximum number.  Every 100 defense points indicates 1 defense cell.  Many characters will have 400 (four cells) for both of these values.  There is also a defense regeneration rate, which works similarly to the energy regeneration rate.  Empty defense cells are black with a white border - active defense cells are green with a white border.  As a character takes damage to their defense, chunks of their right-most defense cells break off.  (We have these saved as 11 distinct images)

We will reserve the white border around defense cells to do various effects - we won't worry about that for now.

Old mock-up:

    Guest  14 Mar 2013 
    I approve.
    Guest  20 Apr 2013 
    Yay! New HUD representation!
    monster power (Guest)  22 Apr 2013 
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