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Representation of Health

Relevant discussion threads:

  • In Kaiju Combat, monsters will have a number representing their health, rather than a "bar"
    • The point of this is to allow 4 monster HUDs across the top of the screen without sacrificing the granularity of information available to players.  Monsters will be able to absorb 25 or more attacks, which means each attack removes only a few pixels of health at the most from a traditional "Health Bar" - not enough information to inform players as to which attacks are more or less effective.
  • Different Kaiju will have different starting health values.
    • This has been the case in the Godzilla series, but this fact was obfuscated by the lack of numerical information.  Starting monsters out with very different amounts of health will make a strong impression on players, and build expectations about which monster(s) are stronger or weaker.  This will interact positively with the elemental weakness/resistance system.
  • When taking damage, we see exact damage values from each hit.
    • This feature was present in G:StE, and it really improved the clarity of combat damage to players.  This should return with the same parameters - hitting a monster displays a number, which persists for ~2 seconds.  Hitting them again before the number goes away increases the number, rather than replacing it.  This allows players to quickly see how much damage a certain attack sequence (combo) does.
  • Once health gets below zero, the monster might be knocked out.  Only very heavy hits can KO a monster with health between 0 and (-100)
    • This adds a "you are about to lose the match" mechanic which interacts well with both health power-ups and (potentially) health regeneration for some monsters.  There was some discussion as to whether it was better to have this "yellow health" mechanic begin at 0, or begin at 100.  Starting at 0 allows us to better preserve the "different starting health values" element of the design, so that is our current plan.  This point is easy to re-visit in the future, if necessary.
  • Once health gets below (-100) then any strong hit can KO a monster.
    • This is the "red health" mechanic - where virtually anything will KO your monster, but it is just barely possible (especially if your elemental resistances are used well) to survive while your health is in this state.  For a short while.
  • At some point (-200?) the monster is automatically KO'd.
    • To prevent degeneracy, we eventually KO your monster with no chance of appeal.
  • KO status is checked by pre-hit health, not post-hit.
    • This means that a monster with 2 health may be hit with a 50-damage attack without fear of being KO'd.  If they are hit with a jab (5 damage) they will be reduced to -3 health, which means the 50-damage attack most likely WILL knock them out.  We discussed whether it was better to check KO status using pre or post-hit damage values, and the consensus was that pre-hit damage values allow for better predictions, which help players feel more in control.


    Guest  26 Nov 2012 
    Mike, the SSB system was opposite, your had a damage meter, and this percentage increased with each hit, and as it went up it became increasingly harder to get back to the fighting stage, and a strong enough hit would send you flying if your damage was too.. So yes, in a sense this is similar and actually a very good system for large monsters battling to the death!!
    Guest  12 Dec 2012 
    In reply to the gentleman above me, the mode Mr. Roberge is referring to is called Stamina Mode, in which everyone started with 100 points of stamina, and each hit taken would reduce that number until it got to 0, at which point that character would be defeated and lose the battle.
    This health system makes sense, and I am all about getting rid of or trying to improve the bar mechanics. ( http://tigbun.wordpress.com/2012/12/07/raising-the-bar-on-ui-design/ ) In a game like this a numerical health representation makes more sense than a bar. Much like mech health is represented by tons (which effects armor) in MechWarrior. A Kaiju should be based on similar values like defensive shells, resistances to things like fire or radiation, and overall size and toughness of skin. Fast and squishy Mothra (or something like 600 health) vs Mecha Godzilla something slow and armored ( maybe say 1250 ) fighting till one reaches 0 and below health makes more sense than the same sized health, and a bar can only show values between 0-100% normally unless you add another bar under it.

    However I am certain that some things on the HUD should change from the Godzilla games. Damage you may want to do more like a fighting game, where it displayed under the character info, or even bouncing numbers off of the hits. Optionally you could use some of the blank space near the number to make a damage display pop up when you are damaged.
    Sunstone Games  14 Dec 2012 
    @Benjamin - We're planning to show damage numbers on the HUD - just as we did in G:StE.
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