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Gigashark Unique Anims

Please review Gigashark's design page for general animation styles, and ability overview.

  •  _Weapon_Fire (looping)
Mouth open (not excessively so, she has a big mouth!), and Gigashark stands very tall as she fires.  Arms chambered by her side.
  • _Weapon_Build_Up
Arms up and together in a prayer-like position, head up.  Bring the elbows apart over the coures of the anim, rather than "breathing" in any sense.  Keep lower torso in idle position, so that this layers well with movement.
  • _Chain_Basic : Jab_Slap_Right
A quick slap with the right fin.  When this and Jab_Slap_Left are played quickly, she is windmilling her arms!
  • _Chain_Basic_2 : Jab_Left
A quick slap with the left fin.  When this and Jab_Slap_Right are played quickly, she is windmilling her arms!
  • _Quick_Basic : Shove
Both fins start in a "crossed arms" position, and shove outward to make space between Gigashark and her opponent.  She hops forward after the strike, to stay close with the knocked-back opponent.
  • _Fierce_Basic : Face_Bite
Bite at face-height with small step forward and quick recovery.
  • _Chain_Away : Tail Spin
Turn 180, strike with the tail, and then return.
  • _Chain_Down : Double Uppercut
Two-hit attack where each fin does an uppercut, one after the other.  Gigashark stays facing front during the attack, so each hit is weaker than a standard uppercut.  Big step-through advance between the two hits.
  • _Chain_Toward : Spin
Gigashark does a twirl, hitting with each fin once.  This has a decent recover time afterwards, if she doesn't combo out of it.
  • _Chain_Up : Flatten
Both fins come down quickly and spread out after reaching ground level.  Gigashark also ducks low during this attack.  It's a defensive attack, and hits prone opponents.
  • _Quick_Away : Tail Reverse
Similar to the Tail Spin, but leave her facing backwards after the strike.
  • _Quick_Down : Bite Ground
Drop your face, and gnaw at the ground.  Eats an opponent's foot, or a prone monster.
  • _Quick_Toward : Knee
Quick-hitting short-range knee thrust.  Need some forward motion, and let her body lean back to give the leg some reach.
  • _Quick_Up : Dodge Low
Spring her body up, and flatten out like E Honda in a jump.  This is a quick dodge which will avoid any attack aimed lower than her head.  Let her hang in the air 1 second, the snap back to the ground ready to strike again.
  • _Fierce_Away : Doublefoot Kick
Classic jump forward with two feet kicking.
  • _Fierce_Down : Backflip Tail Uppercut
Try to make this non-acrobatic as much as possible.  Bend backwards into a bridge, then let the tail smack up and forward.  This attack will have very poor range, since it moves Gigashark backwards.  So make it heavy!
  • _Fierce_Toward : Multi-Bite
Bite forward three times while running at opponent.  These are heavy bites.  Pause between last two is a bit longer than the pause between the first two.
  • _Fierce_Up : Eat the Sky
Anti-air move.  Leap into the air with teeth gnashing several times.  Think of a shark leaping from the water.  50~60 degree angle on the launch.
  • _Power_Away : Sweeping Blast
Take a step back, and move your head left-right to hit anyone in front of you.  Keep the head aimed straight ahead - opponents can duck this!
  • _Power_Down : Electric Burst
Curly up a bit, then extend arms and legs outward while Gigashark generates a large electrical shockwave.
  • _Power_Toward : Vampire Bite
This is a step forward-and-bite attack, which drains health.  Teeth should really sink in and hold for a moment.
  • _Power_Up : Electrical Air Burst
Hop up, and do a quicker version of the Electrical Burst - this one specifically knocks out flyiers.

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