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Tornaq Unique Animations

Please review Tornaq's design page for general animation styles, and ability overview.

  •  _Weapon_Build_Up
Standing upright, head forward, Tornaq expands her chest with a big, slow inhale.
  • _Weapon_Fire (looping)
Standing upright, Tornaq fires with a huge open mouth. 
  • _Weapon_Fire_Begin
Tornaq transtions from her Build_Up to _Fire.
  • _Chain_Basic : Jab_Right
  • _Chain_Basic_2 : Jab_Left
Bear paw swipes.  Slightly longer recovery than most jabs.
  • _Chain_Away : Swatting Retreat
Tornaq steps back as she swipes both her hands across her body - a bit like a failed grab motion.  This is a defensive motion - the attack covering her retreat.
  • _Chain_Down : Doublehand uppercut
Hands down at her sides, then step once with each foot as the hands swing upwards together - all the way above he head.  This and Chain_Up are sort of mirroring attacks, and should combo together well.
  • _Chain_Toward : Right paw maul
Tornaq steps through heavily with her right foot (end in mirrored position) and swipes with her right paw.  This is a big hit - not nearly as quick as Quick_Away!  This attack chains into itself (mirrored.)
  • _Chain_Up : Doublehand rake
Tornaq leans back a bit with both hands behind her head, then leans forward as she arcs them 180 degrees to her side - hitting both jump-in attacks and prone opponents.  Do not bend the body too much - let the arms do the work.
  • _Quick_Basic: Overhead Swipe
Hop forward and swing one paw in an overhead strike around mid-torso height.  This is quick, not heavy.  Long recovery, because the quick execution and advance put her off-balance.
  • _Quick_Away : Backpaw slap
Tornaq curls one arm around her body then uncurls it and leans forward (possible shuffle) with a bit backhanded slap.
  • _Quick_Down : Stomp
Quick stomp with Tornaq's foot.
  • _Quick_Toward : Headbutt
Turn sideways slightly, then a quick step-> slide forward about one body-length and turn forward again with a massive headbutt to the opponent's head.
  • _Quick_Up : Anti-Air
Tornaq keeps her head down, but swats at the air with both paws with a 1->2 sequence.  This should keep her head and shoulders safe from flying attacks.
  • _Fierce_Basic : Shove Kick
One big bear foot comes up, and thrusts forward - let her slide a bit so it has modest range as well.
  • _Fierce_Away : Slugger Spin
Tornaq leans away slightly and puts her hands together, then spins forward with a huge Hagar-like strike as if she was holding a pipe and hitting a home-run with it.  Hands are not actually QUITE touching - to support her icy club-paws.
  • _Fierce_Down : Crush
Tornaq raises herself up like an angry grizzly, and then falls forward heavily onto her front paws.  This should be more extended than her 4foot idle - after holding it for a moment, she pushes up with her hands to return to a standing position.
  • _Fierce_Toward : Palm Strike
One arm comes back, and built anticipation before Tornaq lunges forward, dropping into a horse stance and turning her body sideways to deliver a huge slam with the palm of her paw.  Think Akira from VF.  This is a BIG hit.
  • _Fierce_Up : Jump Attack
This is Tornaq's only regular move where she jumps.  She hops at a 45-degree angle forward (not especially high - her feet come up to her old ribcage position) and flails her arms - hitting opponents on the way up and down both.  Heavy landing & recovery.
  • _Power_Away : Ice Claws
Tornaq scrapes her hands across one another - forming claws of ice.
  • _Power_Down : Ice Clubs
Tornaq holds her hands up, and encases them in ice with her breath weapon.
  • _Power_Toward : Ice Blast
Tornaq drops to all fours, and lets loose a medium-duration blast of ic from her mouth - pointed straight forward.
  • _Power_Up : Armor
Tornaq raises her arms with a roar, and her ice armor forms around her torso.
  • 4foot_Drop
Tornaq drops heavily to all fours - shattering any ice armors she may have.
  • 4foot_Run
Tornaq's run animation is on all fours.
  • Hibernate
Tornaq curls into a ball, then uncurls & freezes herself into her frozen pose - encasing herself in a block of ice as she does so.

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