Height: 72 meters
Weight: 34,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Control (Distance)
Primary Attacks: Twin Tails
Secondary Attacks: Shuko Claws
Primary Weapon: Blue Shift (Teleport)
Secondary Weapon: Cosmic Shuriken
Energy Style: Stamina
Overview: Kagiza is a space gecko. His thin, enegetic body is usually kept low to the ground to present a low profile. Like all space geckos, Kagiza is skilled at remaining unseen - engaging in combat only when cornered. Space Geckos are especially renown for their teleportation abilities - which make them hard to spot and nearly impossible to catch. Kagiza can cling to walls, blindside opponents, or lay down a spread of Cosmic Shuriken with a twitch.
Origin: Kagiza's nomadic clan of geckos roamed across the galaxy, mostly staying out of sight. The group passed through Earth roughly a century ago, feasting on pre-industrial foliage in Ukranian forests. Kagiza roamed on his own, seeking cool pools to bathe in and thick forests to hide among. After an especially long excursion, he returned to the communal site to discover that his family - his entire clan - had left without him. Unable to track them through the void of space, Kagiza has remained on Earth alone - trying desperately to avoid detection, and hoping each day that his clan will return to collect him.
As humanity expands to cover more and more of the globe, kaiju have become an omnipresent threat, and have all but exhausted Kagiza's options for hiding out of sight. Kagiza has responded in desperation - learning to fight and flee when necessary, keeping a step or two ahead of any aggressors while keeping a healthy buffer of space between himself and any territorial rivals.
Energy System: Kagiza regains energy slowly over time. His Cosmic Shuriken are limited by an ammunition counter, so energy is used only to regulate his Blue Shift teleportation technique.
Ranged Combat: Kagiza's powerful Blue Shift allows him to teleport instantly and frequently within a battle arena. This is used both to escape unwanted hand-to-hand engagements, and to blindside opponents. On the rare occasions when Kagiza actually wants to attack while remaining at a safe distance, he can employ his Cosmic Shuriken. But it is more likely that he will use them while still close to his opponent, using them as a distraction or delaying technique rather than a primary source of damage.
Grappling: Kagiza is very light, and can be easily man-handled by opponents who get a solid grip. Kagiza himself will rarely stand still long enough to grapple with a kaiju-sized opponent.
Melee Combat: Kagiza is a very difficult opponent to face in melee combat. His sinewy torso, swift tail, short stature, and constant teleportation make him a tough opponent to lay a hand on. Kagiza's Shuko Claws give him an excellent source of quick edged damage, and his tail can help him attack from multiple angles.
Weaknesses: Kagiza has few natural defenses outside of his evasiveness, and no resistance to physical trauma. If he is caught without enough energy to Blue Shaft out of a heavy attack or weapon strike, he can be overwhelmed quickly.
Animation Guidelines:
- Personality: Although brave, Kagiza's species has evolved to emphasize evasion and obfuscation, rather than combat. This is very clearly seen in his idle and other looping states - he keeps watchful eyes on the environment the way prey animals do. Kagiza's design is heavily drawn from classic ninja tropes, so we should use those for reference.
- Combat Focus: Kagiza is very evasive, incorporating quick strikes and movement techniques into nearly every attack. This makes sustained damage output impossible, and makes anticipation & reactions a critical skill.
- Special Considerations: Kagiza is meant to duck many attacks, which limits his four-footed stances vertically.