If you have substantive comments on Muligahn, please consider sharing them in his official design discussion thread on the Sunstone Games Community Forums
MuligahnHeight: 110 meters
Weight: 49,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Club Arm, Cleat Stomp
Secondary Attacks: Flag Tail
Primary Weapon: Fat Shot, Ball Drop
Secondary Weapon: Ace Shot
Energy Style: Elemental Affinity: Golf
Overview: Muligahn is a tall thin kaiju whose left arm has been stretched into a metallic club-like shape. His head is a white sphere, pock-marked with dimples, and split in half to reveal piercing white eyes. The bottom of his feet bristle with short, sharp spikes and his tail is tipped with a tattered red bolt of cloth.
Origin: Muligahn is a golf elemental - an ancient entity formed by the primordial golf energies present at the beginning of the universe. All sentient species play golf, and so few are surprised to see Muligahn arrive at their planet sooner or later - playing through sentient worlds as he continues the game begun so long ago.
Some say that the big bang itself was a product of Muligahn's first drive, and that he seeks to return all matter into a single black hole which will swallow everything and end his game.
Muligahn's physical body is sometimes destroyed through vigorous attack, but he always returns to continue playing where he was interrupted. He seems barely aware of anything outside his game, though occasionally an interruption can cause him to fly into a rage - eliminating obstacles with zeal.
Energy System: Muligahn is fueled by pure Golf energy. When he hits his drives and takes the time to plan his swings he brims over with power. Should his game be interrupted, his energy begins to diminish until he can resume.
Ranged Combat: Muligahn's eyes can focus his energy into broad concussive blasts - usually with a wide, scattered blast area. At great cost, Muligahn can also focus all his energy into a single piercing burst which has incredible range and pinpoint accuracy - his Ace. Muligahn can also engage opponents at range by driving physical objects at them with a variety of trajectories and speeds. He can also manifest his energy as glowing spheres of energy which he can summon to drive at opponents.
Grappling: Muligahn has no particular advantages or disadvantages while grappling, but he clearly prefers having room to swing his club. His spiked feet give him excellent protection from knockback, which also makes him hard to toss from a standing position.
Melee Combat: Muligahn's primary melee weapon is his massive metallic club - which is actually an extension of his main body. He can use it to knock opponents away easily, come in for a rapid flurry of strikes, or even impale opponents. His superior melee range makes it difficult for many kaiju to get in close enough to return blows. Muligahn's head, feet, clawed hand and tail are also formidable weapons in their own right.
Weaknesses: Much of Muligahn's body is built from turf and loose sand, which makes him significantly less durable than most kaiju his size. His ranged attacks are most effective at mid-range, forcing him to physically chase down opponents who try to stay far back. Since his energy is based upon Golf, Muligahn can get trapped in a losing cycle of non-golf related combat responses.
Animation Guidelines:
- Personality: Muligahn is an elegant creature - he moves and fights with grace and poise. To accentuate this, his hit reactions should really look like out-of-control stumbles, before he regains his footing.
- Combat Focus: Muligahn is ALL about stringing together chains of club attacks. His fierce attacks are two-handed swings.
- Special Considerations: Muligahn's head shell should not rotate relative to his neck - his internal head & eyes should be attached to their own node, so that he can look & aim his weapons without bending his neck.