
If you have substantive comments on Solomon, please consider sharing them in his official design discussion thread on the Sunstone Games Community Forums

Height: 95 meters
Weight: 49,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Clawed Hands, Clawed Feet
Secondary Attacks: Teeth
Primary Weapon: Heat Beam
Secondary Weapon: Sonic Slashes
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Solomon is a demon, seeking vengeance against Red.  Solomon has fully functional wings, allowing him to engage in high-speed aerial combat as well as toe-to-toe combat on the ground.  Solomon's body is covered in a patchwork of smooth skin & fur, but the skin on his head is stretched tightly - giving his head a skull-like appearance.

Origin: Solomon is a haughty but noble demon - one of the two strongest warriors in the realm of Zenith.  The other champion, Red, betrayed Solomon and turned his former allies against him.  Red and Solomon both traveled through several worlds, continuing their fight against one another.  Solomon refuses to give up - even in exile he dreams of defeating Red.
You may read more about Solomon's fantastic origin HERE.

Energy System: Solomon regains energy slowly over time.

Ranged Combat: Solomon's primary ranged weapon is his Heat Beam - which fires from his mouth.  Solomon uses his Heat Beam as both an air-to-ground and ground-to-air projectile weapon.  Solomon can also slash his wings so quickly that they create an expanding sonic slash - which ripples forward through the air.  This is effective only just outside melee range, but it is very hard to avoid if you are already in range.

Grappling: Solomon is of average strength & weight.  His dexterity improves his ability to successfully grapple opponents, but his average weight class means that he has no specific defense against grappling.

Melee Combat: Solomon's claws on both hands & feet give him an excellent source for consistent edged damage, and can be used effectively even while he is flying.  His strong jaws give him additional combat options for close-in opponents.  Solomon relies on quick approach  & fade techniques to mitigate incoming damage.

Weaknesses: Solomon has no special damage resistances, so should he be caught by an opponent it can be a painful experience.  Solomon has quite an inflated ego, and often has trouble asking for help when he needs it.  Especially when it comes to Red, you can often find Solomon running off alone...

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